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  • These are my 4 recordings of  Pregnancy Yoga classes, available to view anytime.  Classes were recorded  via zoom live. Each class touches various topics, with plenty of tips for birth and wellbeing in pregnancy. 
  • There are plenty of benefits here: You can do the class any time it suits, you can repeat the parts you really like or skip the one you don’t. You can do the same class many times, which means you will understand it better and you will make your body remember the movement so it does it automatically during birth without you even thinking about it!
  • Try it and join me+ please send me your feedback! I will appreciate it and advise and definitively getting back to you! -       Love Agata Rossini, founder of Fitmum

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Pregnancy Pilates

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  • 4 recordings of Pregnancy Pilates classes on the ball , available to view anytime. Classes were recorded via zoom live. Each class touches various topics, with plenty of tips for birth and wellbeing in pregnancy. 
  • There are plenty of benefits here: You can do the class any time it suits, you can repeat the part you really like or skip the one you don’t. You can do the same class many times, which means you will understand it better and you will make your body remember the movement so it does it automatically during birth without you even thinking about it!
  • Try it and join me+ please send me your feedback! I will appreciate it and advise and get back to you. -       Love Agata Rossini, founder of Fitmum

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  •  5 week course 
  • Sunday 11:15am-12:15pm  in Malahide Tennis Club
  • Pregnancy Pilates course is a trough preparation needed for birth and comfortable pregnancy

  • You will be using Pregnancy Ball on this class. Please contact us if you need us to provide you with perfect ball for you.
  • It strengthens your body, mind, your belief system in self, it teaches you how to use your breath and positioning during birth and pregnancy, to enjoy comfortable pregnancy and birth. 

  • Here we will work on preventing back and hip pains, improving your posture, mobility, strength and stamina. The class will help you prevent posterior position of baby during labour, perineal tearing during birth. Practicing meditations and affirmations you will find inner strength and trust in your body to birth the baby the best possible way for you. 

  • It’s a wonderful way to start bonding with your bump and baby and meet mums that will share the experience  of motherhood with you.




In studio classes- Malahide Tennis Club

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Active Birth Workshop

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  • 19.10.24- SOLD OUT
  • 23.11.2024 - 3 places left
  • 18.01.2025 - 4 places left
  • Extensive and suited to individual needs workshop, bringing, confidence, trust and knowledge into your birthing experience.
  • Saturday 10:00- 4:00 pm
  • Location: Malahide, Tennis Club
  • Lunch and Healthy energy boosting snacks and drinks provided during workshop- food that will support you during birth, giving you steady energy flow and comfort.
  • After the workshop you will take home:
  • Workshops manual,
  • Pdf slide show with pictures and visuals from the course- easy way to acces all informations in a nut shell.
  • Guided mediations embracing birth and passage into parenthood
  • You will learn to understand the course of birth and what really happens, how to help birth go along without interrupting its natural way. We will talk and brainstorm about your fears and concerns about birth itself. We will practice breathing techniques and birthing positions, as well as massage to ease discomforts and help you open your body for birth.
  • You will also receive home implementation plan of your attained knowledge individually suited to ensure you assimilate everything that was important for you and are best prepared for the birth of your baby 🙂
  • Amount of participants: up to 5 couples


workshop, Malahide Tennis Club,  Malahide

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Pelvic Floor Masterclass

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  • recording from the life class - 55min
  • through exercises and relaxation for pelvic floor, pelvis and lover back +deep relaxation with Yoga Nidra for exhaustion AND CONNECTION BUILDING with your BODY
  • To boost you, support and bring joy in this challenging times, this class is now discounted.


 Online class

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  • Pelvis and Pelvic floor and adjacent muscles exercises.
  • Understanding of Pelvic Floor muscles and its function in birth.
  • 3 different variations of Keegels, so you can choose your most comfortable ones.
  • Birthing tips for intact perineum and quickest possible delivery.
  • Deep focused relaxation, that will help to train your mind to relax the muscles of your pelvic floor during birth, essential part of preparing for birth.
  • To boost you, support and bring joy, this class is now discounted!


Online class 

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Private Classes

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  • Yoga, Pilates or Movement classes designed for your needs.
  • Private and corporate clients welcome.
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  • Yoga, Pilates or Movement classes designed for your needs.
  • Private and corporate clients welcome.
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Pre and Postnatal Class

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Fit and Buggy

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  • Wednesday 10:00-11:00am , Malahide Outdoors.
  • It’s by far the most popular and sought for class by mums with babies. Its varied approach, beautiful outdoors, connections that you can build and support you get makes is a real gem of each mums maternity experience- just come check yourself.
  • Fit and Buggy class contains of power walking, toning and stretching workout. It blends technics of Functional Fitness, Pilates and Yoga. Rebuilding connection to self with your little one next to you, being supported and cheered on your journey to find yourself in your new role either as a first time mum or consecutive one.
  • The class is  alive and changes depending on participants, their needs at the moment, weather and the moon 😉
  • Fit and Buggy it’s an empowering mummy class. Honouring body mind transition that happens after the baby is born.


Malahide Outdoors

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Fit Mum and Baby

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  • These are my 5 online Fit Mum and Baby classes, available to view anytime. Classes were recorded between May and July via zoom live. Each class has a description, that points out main objectives off the class, so you can choose a class that most suits your needs on the day. 
  • There are plenty of benefits here: You can do the class any time it suits, you can repeat the parts you really like or skip the one you don’t. You can do the same class many times, which means you will understand it better and you will learn to move through exercises with a flow, you will notice the changes certain practice brings.
  • Try it and join me+ please send me your feedback! I will appreciate it and advise and get back to you! -       Love Agata Rossini, founder of Fitmum

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Postnatal Pilates

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2.10.2024- 4 week course

  • Wednesday 7:00-7:50pm in Malahide Tennis Club 
  • maximum of 10 participants
  • This class is suitable for mums from  3 months after delivery. But its not limited to postnatal period only! As its focus lays mainly of women who went through delivery and/or raising a child, we will work your backs, shoulders, abdominal wall, pelvis, pelvic floor, your body stabilising muscles.
  • Each class starts with breathing exercises and stretch, moves to strengthening section and finishes with cool down and most needed relaxation.
  • You can expect to feel muscle release, stress release, toned and stronger body, muscle/join pain reduction and feeling of revitalised body.
  • If you have any questions just call me: 0862122751
  •  Love,  Agata Rossini, founder of Fitmum
  • If you had your baby recently, please start these classes 3 months post delivery. Before that I encourage you to try Fit Mum and baby classes.  It’s not a class for pregnancy, instead please choose the Prenatal packages.

In studio classes- Malahide Tennis Club, Seaview room

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  • These are my 5 online Yoga classes, available to view anytime. Classes were recorded between May and July via zoom live. Each class has a description, that points out main objectives off the class, so you can choose a class that most suits your needs on the day. 
  • There are plenty of benefits here: You can do the class any time it suits, you can repeat the parts you really like or skip the one you don’t. You can do the same class many times, which means you will understand it better and you will learn to move through poses with a flow, you will notice the changes certain practice brings.
  • Try it and join me+ please send me your feedback! I will appreciate it and advise and get back to you! -       Love Agata Rossini, founder of Fitmum

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  • 3 weeks of morning priming classes. online via Zoom +recordings available for 7 days
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday - each week 6:40-7:15 am
    • Monday -Yoga & intention setting for a week
    • Wednesday- Mat Pilates, posture, mobility, power 
    • Friday- Yoga Flow, empowering Yoga practise 
  • Start your day centred, focused, connected to self with meditation and movement, Yoga asanas and Pilates exercises.
  • Notice big change in the flow and quality of your day, higher vibrations, raised energy levels, acting from the centre. Contentment. Satisfaction and magnetism.
  • classes for all non pregnant beings.
  • Classes are recorded and recordings will be available to view for you for 7 days after the class.
  • online Live

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