Let 's Get Moving
You can now attend all Fit Mum's classes and workshops online.
Livestream or download your favourite classes and exercise in your own time.
Livestream or download your favourite classes and exercise in your own time.
Let 's Get Moving
You can now attend all Fit Mum's classes and workshops online.
Livestream or download your favourite classes and exercise in your own time.
Livestream or download your favourite classes and exercise in your own time.
Let 's Get Moving
You can now attend all Fit Mum's classes and workshops online.
Livestream or download your favourite classes and exercise in your own time.
Livestream or download your favourite classes and exercise in your own time.

I had my baby, Caoimhe, on Sunday afternoon. She was 10 days late and had to be induced but she came quickly once it started. I managed with gas and air and avoided an epidural. She was 9 pounds, 1 and a half ounces (4.13kg). She is doing great and I feel good too with no complications. Thanks for all your advice and help-it made a big, big difference to go into labour so well prepared. I loved your Pregnancy Yoga, and both me and Brian think Active Birth Workshop changed totally our perception on birth! Looking forward to returning to yoga soon.’

I just wanted to thank u so much Agata for your amazing help during my pregnancy. I enjoyed your classes so much and they helped me to stay active, fit, healthy and in good shape and I really felt I could cope with anything in pregnancy and labour! So that turned out to be really useful on the day cos I was able to trust my body to do the right thing and bring Cormac safely into the world. Even now I’m healing great and feeling perfect and I put it all down to your fantastic classes and how well they prepared me physically and mentally for the birth. Thank you so much for everything.

Agata. Thanks for your support through two wonderful pregnancies and natural births. Through your pregnancy yoga classes, active birth workshop and advice and support as a teacher, friend and mum I was able to have fear free births, without medical pain relief or complications. I felt at all times in control and positive about the experiences. I’m so grateful to you for helping me find the confidence in myself that I didn’t know I had. Every expectant mom should have the benefit of your wisdom. Emily (19.09.12) and Sarah (13.11.14) thank you too!!

2 year old Emily
Hi Agata. Baby Elodie arrived Tuesday morning 10.40! Big healthy 9lbs 13 oz!!!! Waters broke Monday at noon while I was visiting my Montessori class, spent rest of day at home chilling out with Adrian and my twin. Took baths, sat on ball and listened to my affirmations. So happy to have a beautiful baby by my side…. All the positive experience during the labor was down to your wisdom and genuine care for mammies like me that are so lucky to have met you! Thank you and I will see u soon!

Fit mum’s classes are not only excellent for toning and strengthening muscles quickly, but also a great way to network with other mums. Our instructor is constantly pushing us to do more – to really challenge ourselves and think beyond just class when it comes to taking care of yourself. After one hour of Fit Mum class, I feel rejuvenated and able to manage the family, laundry, work etc a bit better! Thanks again!

Nora and I joined the Fit’n'Buggy class when Nora was 3 weeks old. We really enjoyed the classes and looked forward to them each week. It was super to be out in the fresh air, getting a great work out, increasing my fitness while meeting other Mom’s and babies. Agata was so encouraging, warm and friendly. I look forward to rejoining the classes when baby number 2 arrives and would recommend the classes to every new Mom!

After having my baby it was really difficult to try and find time to exercise and get back in shape, fortunatelly a friend told me about Fit Mum’s buggy classes in Malahide Castle Park! I went for a class and it appeared to be an amazing full body workout for mums and babies! What’s really great is that my baby is with me, spending time in the park while I work out, so don’t need to worry about having a babysitter! I made new friends and our instructor is very professional and really supporting! Lucas is now 18 months old and we still extremely enjoying our weekly classes! I wish there could be a class everyday though!!
Thank you x

The best thing I did during my second pregnancy was to join Agata’s Pregnancy Yoga class. I found the classes to be really beneficial when coping with all the aches and pains in pregnancy and with a toddler at home I especially loved being able to have time each week for myself and the baby.I was particularly impressed with the way Agata tailors each session to meet the needs of the individuals in the class. The breathing techniques she taught us and her positive affirmations really helped me when I was in the hospital. I would definitely recommend this class!

22 month old Seán,
With my first pregnancy I gained over 4 stone and suffered from sciatica, swollen ankles and was generally uncomfortable. In August I started using Agata as a personal trainer and by December was finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Just in time to get pregnant again. I’ve been very fortunate to be able to continue working with Agata attending her fit’n’buggy classes and doing yoga with her. What a difference with this pregnancy, I’ve more energy and at 22 weeks have only gained 10 pounds all of which is bump and I feel great, no swelling or sciatica. (knock on wood) So I would and do recommend Fit Mum to anyone!


Frequently Asked Questions
When can I start classes?
New Mums: Each woman has different postpartum recovery periods based on individual circumstances. A new mom who has had an uneventful vaginal birth with bleeding that has completely subsided may be able to start at 4 weeks postpartum. Some moms who have had complications from caesareans, for example, may need 3 months. Your approval for exercise will come from your caregiver.

Can I do a trial class?

If I am pregnant, do I need medical clearance to join your classes?
Yes. Because we care about you and your baby, on your first class you have to bring a clearance note signed by your healthcare provider (physician or midwife). We do not make any exceptions to this rule.
Is it safe for a baby, to workout during pregnancy?
Yes! “Women and their care providers should consider the risks of NOT participating in exercise activities during pregnancy, including loss of muscular and cardiovascular fitness, excessive maternal weight gain, higher risk of gestational diabetes or pregnancy induced hypertension, development of varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis, a higher incidence of physical complaints such as dyspnoea or low back pain, and poor psychological adjustment to the physical changes of pregnancy.” “Regular exercise during pregnancy improves maternal and newborn health, according to new research”-International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics www.figo.org
Fit ‘n’ buggy class
“What if it rains on fit’n'buggy class?”
Fit’n'buggy is an all-weather workout. A bit of rain won’t stop us! Just make sure you are prepared with a lightweight waterproof for yourself and a cover for the buggy. If the weather makes it unsafe to exercise, outdoors then your instructor will still be on hand to offer advice in the warmth of the cafe, there will be no charge on such event.
Fit ‘n’ buggy classs
What do I do if my baby doesn’t feel comfortable on the class?
Classes are timed to schedule with nap times but if baby does cry we are all in the same boat so don’t be stressed. Believe it or not, the boss of the class is not always the instructor. If your baby is unhappy we’ll change the format of the class to keep him moving in the pram. If it happens that he is really uncomfortable, you are more than welcome to take your time and take care of him, and meet the group on the next station, or just come next time. You won’t be charged for a class you won’t finish.
Fit ‘n’ buggy classs
“Can I bring my toddler along, I have a double buggy?”
Second time, third time mums are all welcome. Preparation is the key. Let the older child run around the park or go to the playground before the session, then give them a snack pack to keep them busy in the pram whilst mum is training. Give a sticker as a reward for good sitting! The extra weight of a heavier child will also increase the intensity of the workout for you.